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Understanding the Unique Needs of First Responders

Understanding the Unique Needs of First Responders

What sets me apart is my personal experience as both a first responder and married to one. This unique background allows me to deeply understand the physical and emotional toll careers in law enforcement, firefighting, emergency services, dispatchers, and military service can take on individuals and their families. This understanding forms the foundation of my approach, where I not only address mental health issues such as trauma, grief, and anxiety but also consider the demanding culture and lifestyle that you navigate every day. 

I also excel in career counseling and development, particularly for those in high-pressure careers looking to transition or advance. With certification in Emotional Intelligence (EQ-i 2.0), I help you cultivate resilience, improve emotional regulation, and enhance your leadership skills. My extensive training, coupled with real-world experience, makes Blue Wave Counseling a trusted choice for those seeking both personal and professional growth.